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F18 Luokkamestaruus ratkaistu – raportti kilpailusta & tulokset

Finnish class champs was wrapped up today after two days of fierce fighting for the podium and the trophy!

TOP 3 overall:
1) Nørregaard & Järvinen
2) Räisänen & Räisänen
3) Muikku & Forsman

Congrats goes to Allan Nørregaard (helm, Olympic medalist in 49er in London 2012) and Janne Järvinen (crew, Nacra 17 sailor and experienced match race sailor) for winning the Finnish Class Championship!!

The two-day race included vast spectrum of different conditions. On saturday the fleet started the regatta on race course A on the SW side of HSK (Finnish F18 fleet’s home base in Helsinki). On Saturday totally 4 races were sailed in champagne conditions of bright sunlight and stable 12-16 knots of SE wind. After first day Allan Nørregaard and Janne Järvinen were leading the regatta with 10 points lead (without disposals) to the 2nd team Mikko Räisänen (F18 guru in Finland with multiple class trophies and several top ranks in gold fleets of F18 WC’s on his belt) with her daughter Kirsikka Räisänen (last year’s best newcomer in the fleet).

On Sunday morning the wind had picked up as a result of a weather front mixed with rain showers meaning that the first race was sailed in 16-20 knots of wind. However the wind calmed during the day and races 5 races were sailed. The competition was fierce and the team Nørregaard & Järvinen managed to maintain their placing under the huge pressure of team Räisänen and other Finnish top teams.

In total 13 boats from Finland and Estonia took part in the regatta of which multiple were new teams, taking big steps ahead in F18 sailing. This was the last ranking series race in Finnish fleet for this year. The unofficial season end regatta “Käärmeraid” will be sailed in just two weeks.
Such a successful race shows that F18 is one of the most attractive classes in Nordics and Finland.

Thanks to all sailors and organizers for great regatta! Stay tuned for more!


F18 Nordics 2018 were sailed in picturesque Hanko!

F18 Nordic Championships were held from 7 to 9 September in Hanko, Finland. Sixteen teams from Finland, Sweden, Estonia and USA had registered for the event hosted by the Finnish F18 Association and Hangö Segelförening r.f. (HSF) founded in 1906.

The first day of racing started in estimated 16-20 knots of wind from the east. Hanko is open to all other wind directions except north and waves were quickly typical to Gulf of Finland i.e. short and steep. The first day was not without incidents, as the both Estonian teams lost their masts before the first start when a shroud pin failed on both team’s Nacras. Also at least five other boats suffered damages that caused either DNF or both DNF and DNC codes to be marked in their results from Friday. Steve Stroeble & Matt Morris from San Diego, USA (Infusion with Nacra DS) were almost unstoppable on Friday scoring 2, 1, 1 and 1, being 1st in overall. Leff Dahl & Jacob Thun from Stockholm, Sweden (C2) were the strong second scoring 1, 2, 2, and 2, being 2nd in overall. Finnish team Mikko and Kirsikka Räisänen (Infusion with 1D DS) started with 3rd place from the first race but suffered damage and were forced to skip the next two races.
After the racing and sauna on Friday, a lovely welcome dinner provided by the Finnish Formula 18 Association was enjoyed in the HSF club house restaurant. The dinner was an excellent opportunity to relax, connect with other F18 sailors and plan the future events. During the evening the next Nordic Championships in 2019 was discussed. Preliminary the Swedish F18 association will host the Nordics next year in Stockholm, the venue for the Stockholm Archipelago Raid. We are looking forward to hear about the event soon from the Swedish F18 Association!

The second day of racing was sailed in light winds and clear conditions. The sea state from Fridays wind was challenging though still manageable. Despite the tricky waves and light wind Mikko & Kirsikka managed to find their groove and scored three bullets and one 3rd place which improved their position in overall to 5th. Steve & Matt and Leff & Jacob remained their positions in overall.

On Sunday, the last day of racing, three races were sailed. The weather conditions were changing throughout the day; the wind speed from 10-15 knots of wind to almost no wind with big shifts. Mikko & Kirsikka once again dominated the fleet and scored bullets in every race. Impressive! Both Steve & Mat and Leff & Jacob did well on Sunday and managed to remain their standings in overall. The gold went to USA, the new Nordic country and the silver to Sweden. The fight for the bronze medal was fierce between Mikko & Kirsikka and Lars & Erik from Sweden with their C2. Both teams achieved 35 points but this time, based on the number of bullets, the medal went to Finland. In addition to the Nordic bronze medal Mikko & Kirsikka won Finnish F18 nationals.

Congrats to winners and big thanks to everyone involved!! Till next time, cheers!

The final results:

Pictures and videos (Sailpix.fi):

Main partner of Finnish F18 Association: Finnlines

2017 luokkamestaruus ratkaistu!

Luokkamestaruuskilpailut purjehdittiin tänä vuonna vähintäänkin vaihtelevissa olosuhteissa. 3-päiväinen kilpailu tarjosi niin kevyttä kuin kovaa tuulta. Kilpailu houkutteli purjehtijoita yli luokkarajojen, ja radalla nähtiin mm. viime vuosien olympiaregatoihin osallistuneita purjehtijoita. Lauantain kovasta kelistä ja siitä aiheutuneista välinerikoista johtuen radalle pääsi vain muutama venekunta. Tässä haastavassa kilpailussa Formula 18-luokkamestaruuden vei FIN-007, jota luotsasivat kippari Anssi Muikku ja gasti Matias Knip. Onnea voittajille!

Hopealle voittajan kanssa tasapistein tuli FIN-390 kipparina Karri Heliö ja miehistönä Mikko Rosti. Pronssille purjehti FIN-18 kipparina Valtteri Rahkonen ja miehistönä Antti Laukkanen.

Kilpailu oli osa HSS Audi High Performance-sarjaa. Kiitokset kilpailut järjestäneelle HSS:lle!

Seuraava ja kauden viimeinen ranking-kilpailu HSK:lla 7.-8.10. Mukana tässä kisassa myös Moth-, Waszp- ja Tornado-luokat!